
Professional pilot training for Cirrus owners in all SR series aircraft, including:

  • Embark Training to qualified new Cirrus owners
  • Transition (VFR) and Advanced Transition (IFR) Training 
  • Avionics and Model Differences Training
  • Instrument Proficiency Checks (IPC’s) and Biennial Flight Reviews (BFR’s)
  • Instrument and Commercial Ratings

A complete list of approved Cirrus Training courses can be found here in their learning catalog:

The Cirrus Interactive Flight Operations Manual (iFOM) is highly recommended for all training.  You can find an iFOM for Avidyne and Perspective models in the Apple bookstore.  


  • $150 per hour
  • $900 per day

Please visit my CONTACT page to let me know how I can help you start living the Cirrus Life!